
15 years of service on Jefferson High School’s school board, including time as President, I have championed quality education, safe schools, and teacher empowerment. I believe in investing in public education that benefits our entire community and its future. Every child, regardless of academic performance, income level, or disability, deserves equal educational opportunities. I stand against profit schools led by the likes of Betsy DeVos, which often serve advantaged students disproportionately, exclude students with disabilities, and drain resources from public schools. Public schools promote civic values such as political tolerance, participation, civic knowledge, and skills. My focus is on addressing systemic challenges causing teacher shortages, advocating for smaller class sizes, and supporting mental health resources for students. I believe in well-stocked school libraries, not book bans. I am committed to providing resources for special education, including funding and trained staff. I listen to my constituents and address the most important issues in our diverse school systems. I support free lunch, preschool education, and two years of college for our children, offering them the ability to follow their dreams.

Challenging the status quo and advocating for change is no small task. If it were easy to campaign against those who have become complacent in their roles, we would see more individuals stepping forward to breathe new life into our democracy.

Your support can make a significant difference. By contributing to My campaign, you’re not just donating, but investing in a future that values progress, accountability, and the democratic principles we hold dear. Together, we can keep the spirit of democracy alive and thriving.

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Investing in infrastructure means investing in our future. It means creating jobs, boosting local economies, and ensuring that District 30 are equipped to meet the demands of the 21st century. It means prioritizing clean energy, digital connectivity, and sustainable transportation, and recognizing these elements as essential components of our infrastructure. We need to champion policies that encourage innovation, promote inclusivity, and prioritize sustainability in infrastructure development. We need to ensure that our infrastructure systems are resilient, capable of withstanding the challenges of climate change and other emerging threats. In Michigan, we have a unique opportunity to lead the way in infrastructure development. From revitalizing our urban centers to strengthening our rural communities, we can set an example for the rest of the nation. I am confident that with the right investments, strategic planning, and a commitment to equity and sustainability, we can build an infrastructure system in Michigan that is robust, resilient, and ready for the future. Together, we can create a brighter, more connected, and more prosperous Michigan for all. Let's build the future we want to see, today.

UAW and Unions, organized Labor

As a dedicated member of the United Auto Workers (UAW) for the past 40 years and a V-Cap activist for the last 30, I, Rick, have had the honor of representing our region in Washington. My experiences have given me a deep understanding of the issues that our members face, and I am committed to advocating for our rights and interests. I stand with organized labor, understanding the importance of collective bargaining and workers’ rights. I stand against corporate greed and corporate shills. I have been a dedicated union worker activist since 1977. Throughout my career, I have advocated tirelessly for the rights and well-being of workers. When collective bargaining is done effectively, workers can obtain job security, better working conditions, higher wages, and quality health care. In addition to those benefits, many union contracts offer job stability by requiring that employees can only be terminated for cause. All workers benefit from collective bargaining in all sorts of ways—higher wages, better benefits, increased job stability, safer workplaces, and more—and these effects are especially prominent for the working class. I want to make it clear: If I am elected, the right to work will never be reinstated. I understand the power of unions and the strength they give to the working class. I will not back down. I will continue to fight for the rights of workers and stand against corporate greed. Together, we can make a difference.

“Canvassing Companions: Rick Kull’s Joyful Encounters with Canine Friends on his way to the Campaign Trail” 

 Meeting a lovely family and their new pets reminded me of the invaluable companionship a pet provides. When it comes to being a Senior Citizen they can add quality to life. The immense joy, alleviate feelings of loneliness, provide a sense of purpose and routine, and encourage physical activity. There's a problem, this can be a luxury our seniors can't afford. 

It's disheartening to see so many living economically insecure, forced to make cruel decisions between life-saving prescriptions and basic necessities. For many seniors, the struggle is real; choosing between utilities or food. On February 14, 2024, my opponent, Republican Representative Will Bruck, aligned with leadership that plans to cut Social Security and raise the retirement age in 2025. This plan forces Americans to work longer for less, and cutting Social Security benefits for 257 million people, or 3 out of 4 individuals. This is unacceptable. Knowingly supporting and endorsing a candidate that will bring this to fruition leaves seniors in dire need is wrong. 

You, seniors, those depending on your social security deserve dignity, healthcare access, security, independence. It's yours and not Republican Leaderships money. My opponent is not entitled to force seniors to live on the scraps.

If you vote for me, as your State Representative I will block every attempt. I will vote to stop 2025 Republican plans every time. I will not leave seniors out in the cold. I am committed to advocating for policies that protect and strengthen Social Security, and alleviate financial burdens. If we are given the gift of becoming a senior, an honor not everyone is promised, it's my responsibility to honor what is yours. I will introduce and support policies that keep the utilities on, food in the fridge, and prescriptions filled. This will afford the means of having lunch with family, or traveling to see them. It means a pet companion I spoke about earlier is a choice that you can afford to make. A vote for me, Rick Kull, is a vote for seniors livelihood and best interests. 


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